And that’s a wrap!
Another Restaurants Canada show is in the books and what a whirlwind of an event! From the food to the informative panel discussions to the official launch of Restogreen, we had a great time and we hope you did too!
Here are some memorable moments captured from the RC show:
Photo creds: Vicky Huang and Bianca Di Donato
LEAF Executive Director Anna Pham moderating the Tech Innovation in Food Waste panel with Too Good To Go’s Sam Kashani, Trendi’s Craig McIntosh and Restogreen’s Andre Mondor
Keynote speaker Douglas McMaster at the A New Level of Sustainability with Douglas McMaster
Behind the scenes with Education & Environmental Resource Coordinator Vicky Huang
LEAF’s Board President Tricia Ryan and Executive Director Anna Pham hosting the Eco System Workshop with ReThink Resource’s Shane Harker, City of Toronto Policy and Planning Manager Michael Skaljin and Silo Founder Douglas McMaster
Exploring the tastes of the RC Show!
Some of the LEAF team (& friends)! From the left, a Restogreen volunteer, BizBiz Share Chief Technology Officer Pierre-Olivier Campagna, Contributing Writer Lindsay Butti, Education & Environmental Resource Coordinator Vicky Huang, Executive Director Anna Pham and Restogreen Vice President Andre Mondor
LEAF Executive Director Anna Pham