
Alberta Apparel

Alberta Apparel began 4 years ago, when founder Thomas Mo took notice that there were no clothing lines that represented the province and its beauty and history. Mo set out to do just that. “We do this by using symbols such as the Alberta Flag, animals that are found living in Alberta, and even photography.“

Wanting to create a social conscious brand, Mo decided to only use Made in Canada apparel from factories they know and trust. All of our contractors are based in Alberta as well. “We want to be a model for profit and non-profit companies on how you can be local, scale, use local resources, support your local economy, and be a social enterprise as well.” Mo has also been a leader in the fashion space by giving presentations to organizations and schools on such topics such as the fashion industry, consumerism, fast fashion and environmentalism. 

What’s next? Mo says they are now searching for manufacturers and fabrics that are utilizing best practices in terms of water conservation, reduced chemical usage, recycling materials, and decreased energy consumption.

“We believe that the future of our planet is important, and that our brand can make a big difference."

Sourcing locally means more money stays within your geography. This means that more money is available to be spent, saves, invested etc and some of this could come back to your business.

“It helps other small businesses with their dreams, and if we all pitch in, it makes a huge difference. Thanks for considering us, and sourcing local and ethical too."

And if that isn’t great enough, LEAF Certified members can now receive a discount on Alberta Apparel custom branded apparel projects.